Chapter 119 Wendy, you, don't mess around? _1


Yves King felt a sudden burning sensation, despite his long-term training which has built his resilience to physical assault far beyond that of a regular person. However, when it came to burn resistance, he was not that much stronger than an ordinary person. He had a strong tolerance to physical pain, and this slight discomfort was really nothing for him.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Seeing Wendy's tense face turning pale, King's heart softened. Consoling her repeatedly, he stated, "Just relax; it doesn't burn."

Doesn't it burn? How could Wendy not know? Although the tea had been served several minutes ago, it was still piping hot. Wendy had barely managed to sip on it due to the high temperature. Remembering the pain she felt when a drop of hot oil splashed against her neck, it stung so much she felt like crying. The idea that almost half a glass of hot tea had splashed onto his chest made her cringe. How could it not hurt?