Chapter 127 Sorrow_1


Through the high-powered tactical telescope, an old minibus was in view. Two people were holding a middle-aged woman in a white dress, who stumbled as they forced her off the vehicle. Her white dress and shirt stained with fresh blood.


It felt as though a fist had struck Yves King directly in the heart. His whole body stiffened like iron and the veins in his face quickly faded away. Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could she possibly be here?

A young Yves King, his gaze was filled with great shock, fear, terror. His strong body started to tremble uncontrollably. Inside his head, it felt as though he was struck by thunder, leaving him feeling groggy.

Clearly through the high-powered telescope, her face was somewhat pale and fearful, but mostly there was bewilderment and confusion. Despite the muzzle of the gun threatening her, she was forced to stumble off the minibus.
