Chapter 129: Even the Slyest Fox Cannot Beat the Hunter_1

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"What did you… you say?" This was the first time Faye Owen had heard him call her by her first name directly and sincerely thank her. She was stunned, it took her a while to regain her composure, and questioned what she just heard, thinking that she had misheard him.

However, Faye guessed that Yves King would next make a remark such as, "if you didn't hear it, just forget it." After all, that would be in line with his character.

Unexpectedly, Yves King continued to look at her seriously and repeated, "Faye, thank you."

All of a sudden, Faye felt a wave of relief washing over her, along with a strange feeling of being overwhelmed. Since the day she met Yves King, he had never been this polite to her. This sudden politeness made her feel both flattered and uncomfortable, and she largely couldn't get used to it.