Chapter 197: Bind this Little Lady_1


With an innocent face, Yves King looked at him and said, "Old Hoffman, your words are a bit wrong. Why can you suppress us with your morale, calling us trash? And we're not allowed to resist? You're playing the damsel in distress and we're not allowed to make any comments? President Owen, this man with the black face is too shameless, tarnishing the scene. I demand his ejection."

"You..." Bennett Hoffman's dark face turned even darker, almost like coal. He glared at Yves King like a bull about to charge up and give King a good whack.


Faye Owen was also laughing internally. She used to be at the sharper end of Yves King's tongue, often left dying for more or dying of laughter. But watching him sling insults at others was somewhat amusing.

Of course, her face remained as frosty as ever.

But Bennett Hoffman obediently stopped, although he wasn't happy about it.