Chapter 199: Has the Security Guard Lost All Decency?_1


Before Yves King started smashing the car, Carter Lewis couldn't imagine it in any possible way. A lowly security guard who only earned a few thousand a month dared to smash his car. Based on his salary, even if he worked his entire life without spending a dime, he couldn't afford that car.

"He really dared to do it, he really dared to do it, I can't believe he dared to do it." Carter's face turned as dark as a judge. He tried to stand up but yelped in pain and fell back onto the couch, completely forgetting his leg was still in a cast.

"Quincy, send someone, get that guy up here. Let him pay, let him pay till he's broke." Cater bellowed in absolute anger.

"President Owen said that anyone who dares to cause trouble will be fired..." Quincy staggered back, too afraid to do anything reckless. She had herself under control, she had to keep a low profile. Moreover, because of her involvement in Lewis's affair, Chairman Lewis already relegated her to obscurity.