Chapter 218 Gunpowder among Women (Seeking Monthly Tickets)_1

(Even though I only write at odd hours of the day now, I do it thoroughly because I need to create an outline for future plots. Basically, I work over ten hours a day... I'm not being lazy. We're just a little bit away from the top ten in monthly tickets, so if any brothers and sisters have them, please support me~)


This voice, this tone, it's undoubtedly baby Cade, Captain Cade. Yves King turned around with a grimacing face and said, "Can you be gentle? I was the one who called you out for a drink and you just hung up after cursing me out. There're a lot of people here, don't grab me like that, it's embarrassing."

Not far away, Fatty, sitting in the booth, and Mabel Cooper, who feigned indifference towards Yves King, but had a peripheral eye always faintly lingering on him, watched this scene with odd expressions.