Chapter 279 Between Heaven and Hell_1


Yves King gave a dumbfounded stare while Faye Owen did the same beneath her blankets. This—what on earth was happening? Changing the end of the story just now? Because of that, she... she kissed Yves once?

However, it seemed that Yves had indeed mentioned this before; if there was anyone who wanted to change the tragic ending of that story, they could kiss him. But everyone knew this was a joke, a nonsensical joke Yves had made casually.

With some effort, Yves pulled out his hand, smacked his forehead hard, and became somewhat frantic. Addressing Wendy Quay angrily, he said: "Is this matter really that important?" How much trouble had this matter brought him? To be honest, if Wendy was now to have a change of heart towards him, he would be willing to face death at the hands of Faye Owen.

Lowly holding her head, under the dim light, Wendy's eyes were filled with a mist, looking utterly wronged. Teardrops fell one by one, and she refused to utter another word.