Chapter 292 Is this Wang Da's harem?_1


Flushed with a mix of coyness and fury, Faye Owen felt utterly shamed. Even when discussing such feminine matters with her best friend privately, she would blush and be bashful.

But he didn't seem to care. He had the audacity to discuss a secret remedy with another woman in front of her without any sign of embarrassment or discomfort. It was as if they were discussing something as ordinary as eating and drinking.

If it weren't for the two women standing there, Faye would have yanked him by the ear and tossed him out of the window. A clean break would have been best in this situation.

Luckily, Assistant Que seemed to notice Faye's disgruntlement and awkwardly broke in, "President Owen, with your extraordinary beauty, you may not understand how crucial this is for women like us who lack such advantages. Yves King, how about I treat you to dinner tonight to talk about the remedy?"