Chapter 317 Turns Out It's A Mistress_1


The sound of Yves King flowed into the ears of Mabel Cooper and Dahlia Sanders, mother and daughter, like a balm to their wounded souls. The voice was emanating from the direction of the kitchen, reached the two women.

They both turned their heads towards the source of the voice, a look of utter surprise etched on their faces.

Mabel Cooper had initially resigned herself to her fate, promising to make that Lawrence pay a huge price once the present crisis was over. She could not care less about the pictures or video threat and had no intention of stepping down from her position as Committee Secretary. She was determined to ruin Lawrence and his entire family, even those backing him, without caring for her reputation or her own life.

Lawrence had grossly underestimated Mabel. He thought she would compromise time and again for her reputation and life. But he had no idea that the only thing that would make Mabel compromise was the life of her daughter.