Chapter 348 - Who should get the credit?_1

(Internet was down yesterday, it's only fixed now, three chapters uploaded together)


"Hiss~" Yves King inhaled sharply, looking strangely at the wronged Dahlia Sanders, lightly laughing and took off her hair, rubbing her head: "You're getting worse, getting bolder and bolder. Nevermind, I'll forgive you this time."

"Who needs your forgiveness." Dahlia Sanders waved his hand away indignantly, arrogantly: "Here you are, a smelly, dirty old man, while I'm tirelessly working. You just completely disregard me."

Yves King laughed: "You're just making up accusations, which of your eyes saw I didn't care about you?"

"How dare you to say it...." Dahlia Sanders puffed her mouth: "I ask you, have you been with my mother again lately? Humph, don't look at me with that sham of an innocent face. I'm not a three-and-a-half-year-old little girl, easily deceived. Seeing that my mother's face has been glowing recently, I put two and two together..."