Chapter 393: You bring about your own destruction; you cannot live_1


Both Old Kenny and his pig-like daughter stiffened in shock, their faces turning pale, as they stared at Director Lane in disbelief. The rumor had always been about Director Lane being a staunch upholder of justice. Yet, they were astounded to find him willing to ruthlessly suppress them, based just on the word of a certain security guard named Yves King.

Was Director Lane not aware that what he said here today, if spread, could negatively affect his official reputation and career progressions?

Old Kenny, having spent decades struggling within the system, outstandingly understood that Director Lane's harsh words were merely to show his posture and solidarity to Yves King. No matter what King wanted to do, Lane would go to great lengths to support him.

However, this exact realization highlighted the immense influence the security guard Yves King had attained.