Chapter 422: Out of Sight, Out of Mind_1

(Recommended: "The Last Heaven" by deputy editor. Book number: 3010801. Please give your support~)


Miss Mary is always busy, always coming and going in a hurry. Even though she would like to stay in Yves' place a few more days, disasters or unpredictable events happen anywhere at any time. Early this morning, she received news that an earthquake occured in India. Although the magnitude of the quake was not very strong, it had already killed and injured thousands and affected hundreds of thousands of people.

As a major official of the International Red Cross, she had to go over there as soon as possible. Faye Owen, who initially planned to give some donations to send Mary off, was stopped by Yves King.

Yves King stated that this was a matter of personal preference. He strongly disagreed with the humanitarian use of his family's money, even if, from a higher perspective, the refugees are innocent.