Chapter 447 - Command Her to Go East, She Wouldn't Dare to Go West_1


Yves King thought that with Faye Owen's personality, she might be a bit shy. After all, despite being married, she was still traditionally considered a tender flower. He figured she wouldn't be receptive to such risqué jokes.

However, Faye Owen, while skillfully shuffling the cards with her deft and polished fingers, casually said, "Sure, as long as you let me win a few rounds later on."

Yves King's eyes twitched, thinking to himself, 'Does she have no shame? Just for a few wins, she'd lend out her husband? Is her husband that worthless to her?'

"I think I'll pass. These days, earning a few bucks isn't easy, and I still have other ways to keep myself busy. Plus, there are plenty of men with two legs out there." Mandy Qamar's words left Yves King speechless while he arranged his Mahjong tiles. The elegance of her actions was unmistakable.