Chapter 450: Look at Your Little Fiery Temper_1


If there was no one around, Mandy Qamar would dare to speak to him like this. Yves King would definitely drag her into his room and give her a stern lesson, showing her that a man's dignity is not to be humiliated.

Only at the moment, he can only touch his nose and admit defeat silently.

As for Faye Owen, who just punched Yves King, she was unhappy about her little sister bullying her husband. Unusually, she blushed and helped out by saying, "Qamar Fairy, considering our sisterhood, I can lend my husband to you."

"Oh, the way our Faye speaks increasingly sounds like a wife." Mandy was surprised for a moment, then laughed robustly. After taking a gulp of wine, she threw Yves a flirtatious glance and said, "Old King, did you hear that? You're mine tonight. Tomorrow, if you still have the energy to go to work, then I Mandy Qamar will change my name to Mandy King."