Chapter 461 Entire Army Annihilated_1


"Dare you kill my brother?" Thunder Eagle howled angrily, "I won't let you walk out of here alive. Show yourself and face me."

Then, the husky sound of an assault rifle reverberated around the factory.

"That rookie is hopeless." John Leo smacked his forehead, sighed, and said, "I was hoping they could hold on for at least five minutes. Now I don't have a chance to take part."

"Well, they're quite well trained and experienced for a special forces unit," Yves King chimed in, "When we were in the service, we were barely any better."

"These guys are too used to having things easy," John Leo sighed, shaking his head, "Although they have some combat experience, they're mostly used to well-coordinated assaults, with the full support of backup, against a well-thought-out plan. They win battles handed to them on a platter. Now, when they encounter an enemy as formidable as Venom, stronger than they can imagine, they fall apart. In the end, they really are a bunch of rookies."