Chapter 468: A Villain's Success_1

(Whew, Chapter 4, I'm going to rest for the day. I hope for your votes of support)


Though Yves King saw that this woman had a little too much makeup on, she was overall quite a pleasant sight. However, he did not expect the first words she uttered to be so shrewd and harsh. Clearly, she must be Qadira King's enemy, perhaps even here deliberately to kick her while she's down.

This caused him to frown slightly. Even though he and Qadira King had no romantic entanglements, they are indeed old classmates. If Qadira King ever wronged this woman, her sudden intrusion to pick a fight didn't sit well with Yves King's character - he would naturally defend his old classmate.

However, at this moment, he didn't say anything but wanted to see what would develop.

Upon laying eyes on this woman, the color drained from Qadira King's now considerably brighter face. She turned around and started walking back into the building, whispering, "Let's ignore her."