Chapter 502: A Man Like a Pig_1


Yves King sighed in frustration. Nowadays, women were getting more and more formidable. Life for men was getting increasingly tough.

And then, even Mabel Cooper chimed in, saying, "The issue of men's secret funds must be controlled properly, many social research reports have shown. If men's conscience could be trusted, pigs would be able to climb trees. If you want to control a man below the belt, you'll have to control their wallets first."

"Sister Mabel deserves to be a secretary, she really knows her stuff." Mandy Qamar chuckled, covering her mouth: "A man's wallet is indeed a woman's purse."

"Hey, hey, are you two done yet? Fruitti is here, she's still a child, don't teach her these things." Yves King's face had turned somewhat dark.

"It's fine, let her learn a bit more." Hector Gordon smoothed things over: "We are all honest people. Men in society today are not reliable. Let Fruitti learn from a young age about managing men, so she doesn't get taken advantage of."