Chapter 512: Rivers Dried Tofu_1


Speaking of Faye Owen, they have been together for several months now. From the initial discomfort, they seemed to become gradually accustomed to each other. The first night without Yves King felt okay; home was a bit quiet, but not too bad.

Moreover, because Wendy Quay's students had exams these days, she was extremely busy. She even had to work overtime at the office grading papers and such. Faye was left alone with Maeve.

Maeve usually went to bed quite early. So afterwards, Faye would watch Korean dramas with her headset on. However, the longer she watched, the lonelier she felt.

By the second night, she felt very uncomfortable. It felt like an unbearable craving, like a chain-smoker who desperately needs a smoke.

Again and again, she wanted to give Yves King a call. But thinking about it, that would make her seem like a discontented housewife waiting for her husband to come back from business. Therefore, she decided to hold back.