Chapter 522: Discarding Armor and Helmets (Request for Monthly Ticket)_1

(Last day, there are still five updates today. Brothers and sisters, check if there are still monthly votes. I hope you can help me keep my position in the top ten of the monthly vote list ~ Thank you.)


Baby Cade is very skilled at strangulation. Her legs are long and strong, and her explosive power is extremely frightening. As soon as Rachel's calf bone is entwined by her, she can easily snap it with a strong twist.

"Thump, thump~" Rachel groaned, tapped the ground twice in a very strenuous manner, indicating surrender. He already felt the strangulation power of this policewoman like a python.

He didn't want his leg bone to be broken in a non-life-or-death fight. It would be too tragic and meaningless.

As he tapped to surrender, all of Baby Cade's subordinates roared loudly. The excitement and enthusiasm of the fight itself was understandable, let alone the matter of national pride.