Chapter 558: Powerful Dark Judge-1


(Phew, this is the first time I've written a chapter with over two thousand characters. I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to. I'm still on the road and won't reach home until the night of the 17th. Bear with me for now. When I get back, I'll calm my mind, gather my strength, and make up for the loss.)

Previously, Isbella considered Yves King an enemy on the same level as herself, which was both an acknowledgment of his power and tactical significance.

Of course, in her estimation, this so-called judge was at most an elite special forces expert. He certainly had the capacity for combat, but his sophisticated use of the sniper rifle suggested that he was a top-notch sniper.

Being the head of the Dark Arbitrators, she was proficient in various firearms. But her strongest skill was single combat. She was utterly confident that her personal combat abilities were at least superior to his.