Li Yifei had gone through hell and high water to retrieve something, only to be harassed by the captain of the so-called Battle Bear Squad upon his arrival; this filled him with true rage. Rarely did he ever get this angry, even when facing the most cunning of enemies and their insults, he could remain calm.
But this time was different. It was in his own country, within the military of his own country, to be treated like this was an even greater humiliation than what the enemy could impose. As the captain of the Golden Eagle, Li Yifei had his own pride and he wouldn't allow some nobody to dishonor him.
At that moment, the guy smirked and said, "Golden Eagle, you'd better wise up. You're no longer in the military; you're just an ordinary citizen now. If you dare to defy my orders here, I could execute you on the spot, and no one would stand up for you."