Chapter 0023 I Want to be a Top Student_1

"Come on, have a seat. Have a peach; Xiao Fei's dad just bought them, and they are fresh." Li Xiuhong led a few people to the sofa and then instructed Ye Xiaofei, "Go make some tea for the guests, quickly. And Old Ye, why don't you get some drinks for the kids?"

Ye Xiaofei slumped into the sofa, too lazy to move, grumbling unwillingly, "Mom, why bother with tea? Elder Sister Xiao Ya's meal must be ready by now, right? Let's hurry over, I'm starving to death."

"Hey, you kid, why are you so disobedient, get going now!" Li Xiuhong slapped Ye Xiaofei on the back.

"Right, we're all thirsty, make me some tea, quick!" Xu Hu finally found an opportunity for "revenge" and instructed, "I want to drink Longjing."

Ye Xiaofei said crossly, "There's no Longjing, only chrysanthemum tea, take it or leave it."

"You... you drink chrysanthemum tea!" Xu Hu grumbled irritably.

"Auntie, there's no need for such trouble," Lin Qianxi said, understandingly.