Chapter 0047 Rejecting Cultivation_1

Was it meant to be extraordinary? Did I somehow bring about this outcome myself?

Xiao Ya's heart was a mess as she looked at Ye Xiaofei with his piercing gaze and Xu Hu with his confident smile, suddenly feeling a sense of unfamiliarity emanating from both of them. She felt changes in her lover and younger brother that she couldn't comprehend, and without realizing it, the distance between them seemed to have grown.

"Then why are you telling me all this? What changes come with becoming cultivators?" Xiao Ya tentatively asked, hoping their answer would be that nothing had changed, but even she didn't believe that.

The earlier fights had already said it all.

How could there be no changes?

"What changes are there?"

Both were stumped by Xiao Ya's question. Apart from their status as cultivators, their growing strength, and their increasingly astute minds, they had not really thought about what truly changed or what goals they were aiming to achieve.