Chapter 120 Midterm Exam Turmoil_1

"Damn! What a jerk!"

"He was just talking all high and mighty about Dao Heart, and now he's asking about money!"

"Did he change his tune a little too quickly?"

Ye Xiaofei suddenly felt speechless, as if he saw a herd of alpacas sprinting past before his eyes. He curled his lips in disdain and silently scorned Xu Tianlu.

"I think, at the very least, it should be 1.8 million!"

After a moment of contemplation, Ye Xiaofei quickly came up with a figure. Then, jokingly added, "It was just the other day when a tycoon lost his pet dog, he immediately posted a reward of 100,000 yuan in the newspaper for its return! Old Xu, we're talking about two human lives here, and they're both tycoons. You can't value them less than a pet dog, can you?"
