Chapter 126 Collect Some Interest_1

"Hey, Scar Eye!"

Ye Xiaofei immediately answered the call the moment his phone rang.

Scar Eye's voice soon came through, "Mr. Ye, Hell's People have arrived. Brother Wolf is currently taking Poison Wolf and two of his trusted aides to the airport to pick them up!"


Ye Xiaofei nodded and instructed, "Continue following them. Stay hidden, and don't get caught. I'll head over immediately to meet up with you!"


Half an hour later.

Ye Xiaofei and Scar Eye met up.

However, just after they regrouped, Scar Eye shared some devastatingly bad news— he had lost track of the people he was following!

"You lost them? How did that happen?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Xiaofei's brow immediately furrowed.

Not having the assassin's address meant that he couldn't strike first.

Also, it meant that from now on, he must stay vigilant at all times, lest he fall victim to a sneak attack or a shot in the back from Hell's People.

This matter concerned his very life and fortune!