Chapter 132 Desperate Situation_1

"So you think you can kill me? Hahaha..."

Brother Wolf sneered, casting a glance at Cobra as if he were looking at a fool.

Suppressing his laughter, he scornfully retorted, "Ridiculous! You land one cowardly, despicable sneak attack on me, leave a little scratch, and you think you can kill me? Laughable! Utterly laughable!"

"Indeed, ridiculous!"

"But the truly ridiculous one is you!"

Perched atop a wall, Ye Xiaofei, seeing Brother Wolf's nonchalant demeanor, muttered to himself with a mix of excitement and disappointment and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Previously, he had tracked and knocked out Cobra, copying Cobra's memories.

Therefore, he knew all of Cobra's secrets!

—When carrying out assassination missions for the organization, especially those requiring direct use of force, Cobra would always coat his throwing knives with snake venom, a lethal poison that sealed the throat upon contact with blood!