Chapter 160: The Soul Leaves the Body_1

"Shut up! What are you babbling about?"

Yang Wenqin and Jin Lu, upon hearing Ye Xiaofei's words, cried out in unison.

Ye Xiaofei, however, ignored the two of them and stared intently at the doctor, "Doctor, please answer my question! If something were to happen to the patient, would your hospital take responsibility?"

"How can you speak like that? Are you deliberately causing trouble?"

Yang Wenqin snorted coldly and chastised loudly, "The doctor is trying to find a solution, and you are talking about accidents? What exactly do you mean?"

"Ke Ke, are they really your friends?"

Jin Lu turned her gaze towards Zhao Ke and said sternly, "Instead of comforting you, they start with argument and commotion as soon as they arrive, cursing your parents like ominous crows. Are these people your friends?"

Ye Xiaofei turned a deaf ear to the two's accusatory words, his gaze still fixed on the doctor without blinking as he said, "Doctor, please answer my question!"
