Chapter 213 Land of Master Kill_1

"This Land of Master Kill is absolutely every Feng Shui Master's nightmare!"

Having said what he should not have said, Ye Xiaofei no longer had any concerns and went on to introduce some records from the Maoshan Taoist Scripture regarding the Land of Master Kill.

The Land of Master Kill is divided into the visible and the invisible.

Once a Feng Shui Master erroneously identifies a visible Land of Master Kill, they can die from accidents, such as car crashes, falling from great heights, or being slashed by swords, among other things.

As for the invisible Land of Master Kill, a Feng Shui Master might contract some strange illness or be poisoned, enduring a period of torment before death ensues.

"Isn't that terrifying?"

Hearing Ye Xiaofei's words, Wu Zhengfeng immediately felt chills down his spine.