Chapter 227: Evil Aura Soaring to the Skies_1


Upon hearing Wang Zhihai's voice, Ye Xiaofei quickly looked toward Tian Zhengfang, noticing a stream of Dark Energy slowly entering the latter's body.

If it weren't for Wang Zhihai's reminder, Ye Xiaofei would have never noticed.

"Is there a problem?"

Wang Zhihai furrowed his brow, asking with some concern.

No sooner had his words fallen than everyone seated raised their heads to look at Ye Xiaofei.

Especially Xu Hu and the others, who also turned their gaze to Tian Zhengfang, but they couldn't see any signs of trouble.

"This is bad!"

Ye Xiaofei watched Tian Zhengfang intently for a good while before he remembered the possible cause, then addressed Wang Zhihai and the others, "Step back, step back quickly."

"Xiao Fei, what's happening?"

Xu Hu quickly approached and asked, "Is there a problem with Elder Brother Tian?"

"There's a problem."