Chapter 229 Obedient Zombies _1

Just like the first time, the Flying Corpse flung its arm and sent three people flying with a single swipe.

Zhuge Qingyun and Tian Zhengfang were relatively okay, having suffered only minor injuries. In comparison, Cao Mingyu, who had broken an arm, was far worse off.

"Junior Ye, won't you make a move?"

Zhuge Qingyun fell to the ground, intending to stand but the fall was too painful, forcing him to squat in place. He knew that Ye Xiaofei practiced the Maoshan Ghost Catching Technique and that with the formidable strength of the Flying Corpse, it could only be subdued by him and people like Xu Hu working together.

"If I don't understand it, I might as well not join in the fuss, right?"

Ye Xiaofei cracked a slight smile, having already warned Tian Zhengfang about changes in the coffin. But how did the kid respond?

He said the auspicious time had come!

He said if you don't understand, don't spout nonsense here!