Chapter 273 Opening Your Eyes to See Ghosts_1

Xu Hu had just opened his eyes when suddenly a female ghost invaded his sight.

Hovering above Ye Xiaofei's head, she wore a long white dress with her hair extending all the way to the ground, a wild mass that completely obscured her face.

She smiled at Xu Hu, and he shuddered with fright. Relying on the faint flickering light of the red candle, he glanced at Ye Xiaofei, who still had his eyes closed, shaking the copper bell in his hand, showing no sign of finishing the spirit marriage ritual.

Damn, it must be an illusion.

As someone who practiced Daoism, Xu Hu's first instinct was that he must be hallucinating.

He didn't dare to breathe too heavily, only to notice that the long-haired, white-dressed female ghost was slowly drifting towards him.

Xu Hu's eyes stung as if he'd just cut onions, his heartbeat seemingly stopped, praying inside that the female ghost wouldn't come any closer, and he shut his eyes again.