Chapter 305 Am I Handsome?_1

Soon, Lin Qianxi also relaxed, after all, she had heard from Xiao Wu that the latter would be getting married soon.

If that was the case, it was absolutely impossible for Ye Xiaofei to strike up a romantic spark with Xiao Wu.

In fact, Lin Qianxi was very kind, incredibly kind, kind to the extreme, or it would be more appropriate to say naïvely kind.

Why would you say that?

Doesn't everyone know that many men like married women, and prefer newlywed brides even more?


Messing around with other women might be thrilling, but is there anything more exciting than a stolen pleasure?

Of course, Ye Xiaofei would never do such a thing because he was a good person, he loved Xiao Wu deeply, loved to steal, no, that was a slip of the tongue, he loved Xiao Ya and Lin Qianxi deeply and didn't like stealing at all.