Chapter 316 I Have a Way【Extra 2】_1

The driver drove to the Sweating Dance Hall.

"Brother Fei."

Xiao Wu didn't actually want to sleep, but couldn't resist the call of bodily fatigue and had dozed off in a haze until the car abruptly stopped, jolting her awake.

Because of a nightmare, in which her dad had Ye Xiaofei's throat cut, she woke up with a cry of alarm.


Ye Xiaofei had been sleeping soundly too, but owing to his long-term experience as a Feng Shui master, he had developed the habit of never sleeping too deeply, always alert to the slightest disturbance.

He had been sleeping well until Xiao Wu's sudden startle made him immediately open his eyes, emitting a questioning hum.

"It's okay, it's okay, I just had a nightmare," she reassured.

Seeing Ye Xiaofei sitting beside her, Xiao Wu took a deep breath of relief. After all, he was her lifesaver and her knight in shining armor – he couldn't just have his throat cut by Liu Han.