Chapter 344 Leading Sales_1

After Ye Xiaofei had laid Liu Jinmiao flat, he left with Xia Wanqing.

"I never expected you to be this powerful. You won against twenty all by yourself? And even made Liu Jinmiao lose all sense of direction?"

Xia Wanqing looked at Ye Xiaofei with a sort of reverence, her eyes sparkling with admiration, yet she couldn't help but express her worries, "However, by saving me this time, you've offended Liu Jinmiao. You need to be careful."

"I should be careful? She should be the one to watch her back."

Ye Xiaofei scoffed disdainfully and shook his head, "Sister Wanqing, don't worry about Liu Jinmiao. She's just a small character."

Xia Wanqing failed to perceive the seriousness in Ye Xiaofei's expression and rolled her eyes at his nonchalance, whispering, "I used to think you were a fool, and indeed I underestimated you. You needn't bother with acupuncture for me tomorrow."

"It's supposed to be a seven-day course."