Chapter 424 Neither are Opponents_1

"Venom Fang Sister, don't trust what this person says. Folks like him never speak the truth, do they?"

Ye Xiaofei looked into Venom Fang's pitiful, pleading eyes, his brows furrowed. Setting aside whether Venom Fang had any relatives or not, if Huang Jun claimed there was this instance, then there definitely would be a second one.

Underground boxing agents only care about profit, only about money. They just want the fighters to win bouts for them, and they don't care about the fighters' well-being at all.

"Bro, you seem to have quite the bias against me, but I can tell you, I, Huang Peng, am not a despicable man. As long as you help me win, I'll definitely take care of whatever needs to be done for you guys."

Huang Peng chuckled softly. In his eyes, as long as he could defeat Liuk Lang, that was enough. He intended to bankrupt Liuk Lang, and aside from this, he had no other requests for Venom Fang.
