Chapter 432 Acquisition of Company Building_1

"Si Company!"

Zhou Xiaoming's lips curved mischievously as he looked at Ye Xiaofei with a smile, wondering if Ye Xiaofei would be familiar with this company.

"Si Company?"

Ye Xiaofei was indeed familiar with the company because it was Sun Qilin's company, which he had beaten up quite badly before.


He frowned and turned to Zhou Xiaoming, "Sun Qilin's company, right? But wasn't Sun Qilin quite powerful before? How come it's suddenly no good now?"

"Hehe, you beat Sun Qilin so badly, who wouldn't be in trouble after that?"

Zhou Xiaoming rolled his eyes involuntarily; Ye Xiaofei was really playing dumb. Sun Qilin had used all his power to try to take down Ye Xiaofei before.

And the result was that Sun Qilin gloriously landed in the hospital.

The affairs in real estate are ever-changing, a company can be created in a few days; of course, a company can also be destroyed in a few days.

"So it was my doing after all?"