Chapter 1079: Flood Control of the Hongjiang River

The sky was oppressively low, with dark clouds overhead and a peculiar heaviness in the air. Lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled in the distance. Though it was just after nine in the morning, it felt as if night had fallen, with streetlights ablaze and vehicles turning on their headlights.

Nie Zhenbang stood before the office window, wearing a white-striped short-sleeved T-shirt. His well-proportioned figure looked handsome; at forty-one, his physique had not changed at all.

Large raindrops pattered against the aluminum window frame, making a loud smacking noise. Nie Zhenbang's eyebrows furrowed. As he turned around, Hong Feng came in through the door, and Nie Zhenbang suddenly asked, "Hong, how long has it been raining in Hongjiang Province since April?"