Chapter 13 Framed!_1

"Miss, if you continue this way, we have reason to take you in..."

Before the words were fully spoken, Cui Ying, with a displeased look on her face, quietly spat out a word: "Scram!"

This word directly stunned everyone present.

Zhou Jianhua was taken aback, he thought this kid had a hot enough temper, but he never expected this woman to have an even hotter temper, telling them to leave before a few words were exchanged?

He had been handling cases for decades, and had never met someone like this before.

Let alone a woman like this!

Xu Guosheng was also stunned, but the next second, he suddenly recognized Cui Ying's face, and his expression changed drastically! But quickly returned to normal, mumbling to himself:

"Why is his granddaughter here?"

Zhou Jianhua snapped out of it, his face a bit annoyed, he swung his hand: "Damn it, take them both away! I mean both of them!!"

Cui Ying remained composed, her proud chest even making several of the officers unconsciously swallow.