Chapter 44 Ambiguous Temptation (Third update, bonus update)_1

After dropping Sun Qingqing off at the marketing department, Ren Feifan thought she would change her clothes and return his jacket to him. Yet, for some reason, Sun Qingqing didn't seem to plan to do so.

As a man, Ren Feifan didn't feel easy asking for his jacket back. Fortunately, Ren Feifan didn't have much to do at the company on a daily basis. The icy CEO signed documents and attended meetings all day, which didn't require his constant protection. Hence, Ren Feifan went to a nearby mall to buy a new jacket.

Before he knew it, the day was almost over. To his surprise, he received a text message from Sun Qingqing.

"Thank you for today, are you free tonight? "

When a beauty invites him, Ren Feifan naturally wouldn't refuse. He swiftly replied back:

"It would be an honor."

"Then come to my house tonight. My home-cooked meals are delicious!"

Ren Feifan: "...."

He hadn't expected her to directly invite him over to her house.