Chapter 55 Will the Master Come or Not! (Second Update)_1

Within a short period of time, the crowd around the street just kept getting bigger. The group of about a dozen who had arrived first started talking about the master from yesterday, portraying him as Tai Bai Jin Xing, the Star Lord, reincarnated.

"Fuck, I've been waiting for six hours, is this master finally coming or not!"

A well-dressed young man finally lost his patience and started spewing curses. He had skipped breakfast for fear of missing the master's arrival, but now he had been waiting the whole morning without catching a glimpse of the legendary master.

"You know what, I'm so hungry my stomach's about to turn on me. If we wait a few more hours, I'm going to go grab breakfast and come back to wait bright and early tomorrow!" Another beauty angrily stamped her foot, preparing to leave.

"Squeak" Ren Feifan arrived at the same street he had been on yesterday.