Chapter 62: Destroy the Ma Family in Lin City! (Third update!)_1

The night was deep, and the city was dazzlingly lit!

Ren Feifan found out the Ma Family's address easily. Dressed in black clothes and wearing a duck-tongue cap, he prepared to go to the Ma Family Mansion.

The Ma Family Mansion was located to the north of the city, west of Shengshui River. The Junma Group, the Ma Family's business, was also located here. Although the Ma Family could not compare with the Xu Family, Zhou Family and Cui Family, it was still considered one of the important families in Lin City. Their economic and political power should not be underestimated.

At this moment, the Ma Family Mansion was brightly lit, and all members were standing at the entrance. A bespectacled man paced back and forth, occasionally wiping the sweat from his forehead, clearly waiting for the arrival of someone important.

Ren Feifan observed quietly from the rooftop of a nearby residential building. He knew very well that it was not the best time to kill.