Chapter 67 Curiosity Killed the Cat! (Third Update)_1

With a feeling of resignation, Ren Feifan shook his head and glanced at the doll in his hands, preparing to take a bath. However, his interest was suddenly piqued by the two doors next by.

One should be Cui Ying's bedroom, and the other likely belonged to the mysterious woman he had yet to meet.

Back then, Cui Ying warned him never ever to enter that room.

However, Ren Feifan hadn't seen the woman return yet, so he supposed that room must be unoccupied. Since he was already up here, why not take a peek? Besides, he wouldn't be detected anyway.

After thinking for a bit, Ren Feifan quietly made his way towards the room furthest in.

But as soon as he gripped the door handle, a cold chill suddenly rushed over him.

"Damn, is this a freezer or what? Why is it so cold?"

You must know that Ren Feifan cultivated Nine Yang Divine Art, so ordinary coldness could do nothing to him. However, the Ice Cold Technique from this room really made him feel a bit apprehensive.

"Who's there?"