Chapter 130: Concentrated Beauty Serum! (One more update)_1

Initially, Ren Feifan planned to discuss this matter with Xu Shihan. After all, the auction was organised by the Xu Family. However, now that Xu Zhenhua had stepped in, everything had become more complicated.

Ye Qingcheng turned to him with a startled expression, glancing at Ren Feifan oddly before asking, "You have more treasures to auction? According to the auction rules, you can apply to the Xu Family backstage for adding items temporarily."

Given the status of Ren Feifan, it was possible that he truly had some treasures in store.

But Ren Feifan shook his head, saying with difficulty, "I have some disagreements with Xu Zhenhua. If I go, my application will definitely be denied. I was wondering if you could..."

Ye Qingcheng was thoroughly at a loss with the young man before her. Why did it seem like he had disputes with everyone in the world? Couldn't he not stir trouble for once?