Chapter 144: Damn, it's really haunted! (Third update!)_1

The next day, Ren Feifan and Xu Shihan hurried back to Lin City early because Xu Shihan had a major meeting at the Elime Group.

Upon arriving at the company, Xu Shihan stopped and turned to ask: "Ren Feifan, you're now a major shareholder of Elime after all. Do you want to come to the meeting with me?"

Hearing the word 'meeting', Ren Feifan quickly tried to slip out: "Honey, you know me. I hate these kinds of meetings the most, I'd rather..."

Ren Feifan's voice came to a sudden halt, Xu Shihan's beautiful eyes were glaring at him fiercely. She snorted coldly, "Flirt with who? Go on, say it! I promise I won't kill you!"

Ren Feifan broke out in a cold sweat. He was quite clear that one should never offend a woman, or else you wouldn't even know how you died.

"It seems like I've been giving you too easy a job," Xu Shihan mused.

"Honey, I'm busy every day. It's never easy! Let me explain..."