Chapter 166: That's the exit, scram! (One more update!)_1

Ren Feifan swept his gaze over the three Renminbi notes, let out a cold, mocking laugh, and then scrutinized the shrewish woman through the rearview mirror.

This shrew was only in her twenties, but she had already mastered the art of looking down on people. It seemed she lacked proper upbringing; with women like this, ignoring them was the best way to retaliate.

Therefore, Ren Feifan stayed silent, merely nodding to the middle-aged driver, signaling that it was okay to start the car.

The driver cast a glance at Ren Feifan and smoothly started the vehicle. He was a reasonable man. He had indeed come to pick up this young man. If the woman in the back continued to create a fuss, he didn't mind asking her to get out of the car.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Jia immediately furrowed her brows. These two men were bullying a single woman?