Chapter 178 Why Should I Save You?_1

After being held back by Ren Feifan, the old lady looked visibly terrified, hoping that her hubby could keep up with the act.

Ren Feifan pulled out a silver needle and waved it right in front of the blood-spitting old man. Then, he whispered something into the old man's ear.

"Hey, old man, stop pretending. Get up. I've seen scams like this before. You're overacting. This blood, if I'm not mistaken, it's some kind of juice mixed with pig's blood, right? quite original of you!"

As soon as Ren Feifan's words dropped, the man lying on the ground twitched involuntarily at the corners of his mouth, but he still lay there, appearing half-dead.

Now that it has come to this point, no matter what, he must keep up the act!

He overheard just now, it was a whopping two hundred and fifty grand, they had never scam such a big amount in all these years they've been doing this!