Chapter 202: Celebrating a birthday? (Third update!)_1

The next day, Ren Feifan got up early. He had a good sleep and found breakfast ready on the table when he awoke. He didn't know who had prepared it, but it tasted good. After his meal, he returned to his room to continue his cultivation.

There was no need to go back to the Elime Group, but without it, his life was quite dull. He used to spend his days delightfully flirting with the receptionists and the beauties from the marketing department. Now, all he could do was cultivate in his room.

But it was all right. Cultivation was the most important thing.

He practiced until 3 in the afternoon, occasionally interrupted for meals. He had practiced the Qingcheng Swordsmanship countless times, mastering it completely.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, he prepared to pick up Lin Xiaoxi, driving his Audi S8.

Lin Xiaoxi's aunt's house was located between the center of Lin City and the suburbs. The property prices were not high, but the environment was quite good.