Chapter 219: Absolutely Scum (Third update! Asking for recommendations)_1

As soon as the words left his mouth, Yuan Xuejiao's eyes widened!

My gosh! Had this junior been stalking her for days?

But hold on, how could he know about her rubbing her foot when she woke up in the dorm?

She indeed bumped her knee three days ago!

She didn't think much of it then, it didn't affect her walking!

But these past few days, her right leg felt numb every morning after she woke up, it even couldn't move!

At first, she thought it was because she had slept in an odd position, pressing her leg for a long time. But now, after hearing Ren Feifan's words, she was completely panicked!

Could this be the so-called bad omen?

My gosh, could her junior actually be a fortune teller?

Yuan Xuejiao grabbed Ren Feifan's hand in excitement!

"Junior, is there a serious problem with my leg? What should I do?"