Chapter 223 A Group of Beauties Causing Trouble (Third update! Requesting votes)_1

Ren Feifan could tell that Dan Yanlin was well-off by his manner and speech, probably coming from a reputable family.

The most senior of them, Sun Runze, slung an arm around Yanlin's shoulder, shutting the door while laughing heartily: "As a first gathering of us four, why don't we go out for a meal tonight! Even better, let's invite some beauties for a friendly get-together, what do you say?"

As soon as Wang Qingquan heard the word 'beauty', his eyes sparkled, he punched Sun Runze eagerly and scolded him, "If you've got beauties lined up, stop beating around the bush and make it happen! Our happy lives depend on you."

Sun Runze responded with obvious embarrassment: "I've just arrived at this school, I haven't even had a chance to attend a class meeting; how could I know any girls? I was counting on you guys."