Chapter 232: Sensual Teaching (Third update! Vote for recommendation)_1

Although he didn't have much exposure to basketball, he shouldn't have any problem with basic shooting. During his accuracy and hand strength training on Purgatory Island, he would toss around thousand-pound huge rocks to designated spots every day. He couldn't claim a perfect hit record, but he did maintain about 99% accuracy. Especially when it comes to something as basic as basketball.

Yuan Xuejiao was stunned to find that Ren Feifan could actually hold a basketball with one hand! She had never noticed that his hands were so big! These were perfect hands for basketball!

In that moment, Yuan Xuejiao looked forward to Ren Feifan's shot.

Yan Liang had already picked himself up, his face somewhat pale. In his eyes, the just happened was clearly that guy's deliberate act! Seeing Ren Feifan holding the basketball in his hand hesitatingly, he sneered, "A bunch of garbage, you dare to play basketball?"